Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What are the forms and causes of indiscipline in an organization?

What are the forms and causes of indiscipline in an organization? Study and present the existing disciplinary action mechanism in your organization or an organization you are referring to. Describe the organization you are referring to.

*Talking out of turn (eg, by making remarks, calling out,
distracting others by chattering)
*Calculated idleness and work avoidance (eg, delaying start to
work set, not having essential equipment)
*Hindering other EMPLOYEES (eg, by distracting them from work,
interfering with equipment or materials)
*Not being punctual TO WORK.
*Making unnecessary non-verbal noise (eg, by scraping
chairs, banging objects, moving clumsily)
*Persistently infringing rules
*Cheeky or impertinent remarks or responses
*General rowdiness, horseplay or 'mucking about'
*Verbal abuse towards other EMPLOYEES (eg, offensive or insulting
*Physical aggression towards other EMPLOYEES (eg, by pushing,
punching, striking)
*Verbal abuse towards the MANAGERS/SUPERVISORS (eg, offensive, insulting,
insolent or threatening remarks)
*Physical destructiveness (eg, breaking objects, damaging
furniture and fabric)
*destructive behavior
*excessive naughtiness.
*habitually unorganized
*lack of concentration
*lack of confidence
*lack of attention
*low performance
*moody behavior
*non-particpant behavior
*peer pressure
*weak memory.

The organisation I am referring to

The organization, I am familiar with is a
-a large manufacturer/ marketer of safety products
-the products are used as [personal protection safety] [ industrial safety]
-the products are distributed through the distributors as well as sold directly
-the products are sold to various industries like mining/fireservices/defence/
as well as to various manufacturing companies.
-the company employs about 235 people.
-the company has the following functional departments
*finance/ administration
*human resource
*customer service
*warehousing/ transportation


6.1 Introduction

a) This document is an expression of ORG’s policy on discipline and a guide to all company employees.

b) Discipline is a system designed to promote orderly conduct.

c) Formal disciplinary action should be the final course of action in rectifying employee behaviour.

d) Disciplinary action should be supported through investigation, reasonable evidence of guilt and careful consideration of the circumstances of each case before formal action is taken.

e) Disciplinary action should always be prompt, fair and firm.

f) While every attempt has been made to ensure that this Disciplinary Code is applicable to general disciplinary instances in SBCGT, the requirement for use of discretion within the framework of and in accordance with the spirit of the code may be required.

g) A successful disciplinary system and climate is dependant on the good judgement, understanding and consistent treatment of the parties involved in disciplinary action.
6.2 Procedure and Documentation

6.2.1 Action of supervisor when an alleged offence has been committed or is reported to have been committed

When an offence is alleged to have been committed, the Supervisor concerned will investigate or have the matter investigated, and take any form of the following actions:

a) Dismiss the case;
b) Counsel the employee;
c) Give a verbal warning;
d) Give a recorded warning;
e) Initiate a formal disciplinary enquiry;

6.2.2 Informal disciplinary action

It is desirable for sound interpersonal relations within ORG that Supervisor where possible resolves disciplinary matters by means of informal disciplinary action. Informal disciplinary action can take the form of either a verbal warning or counselling.

An employee found to have committed an offence of a minor nature should be counselled by the Supervisor, without an entry being made on the employee’s personal record. The Supervisor may however, make a record of the counselling session to allow for an assessment of the employee’s performance record, should this be necessary at the time, and with the employee’s knowledge and understanding thereof, formulate a plan of corrective action.

During the counselling, the Supervisor should ensure that the employee is made aware of the nature of the offence and the standard of the conduct or performance that will be expected in the future.

6.2.3 Procedure for formal complaints

a) A supervisor handling a formal complaint must investigate the case with the assistance of the Human Resources Officer, where possible, and ensure that the relevant sections of the complaint form are correctly completed within 48 hours of the offence having been committed or the supervisor having been made aware of the fact that an offence has been committed.

b) A copy of the complaint form should be passed without delay to the Human Resources Officer who will advise whether:

c) The accused should be suspended pending full investigation (if this has not already been done);

d) Advise the supervisor on whether to continue with a formal complaint

e) The Complainant and the accused must provide names of all persons who should be regarded as witnesses as their statements will assist in ensuring a fair hearing of a case. Where possible, should there be witnesses who are non-employees, formal statements should be recorded from them as they may be invited to attend the disciplinary hearing.

6.2.4 Disciplinary Inquiries

The Human Resources Officer will be responsible for the overall application of the code and should where possible:

a) Advise and guide all participant on the Disciplinary Code;

b) Ensure that the code is applied fairly and consistently in all cases (procedurally and substantively);

c) When all documentation pertinent to the matter has been collected, the Human Resources Officer shall serve the papers on the accused and/or his/her representative to allow the employee to fully prepare himself prior to the hearing;

d) The Hearing Chairperson will hear the case within four full working days of the complaint being lodged – only when further investigate is required shall this period be extended;

e) The Human Resources Officer will be responsible for arranging a suitable venue and date for the inquiry, informing all the relevant parties; informing the accused of his/her rights to representation; informing the accused of his/her right to appeal against the decision and arranging for all relevant statements to be taken.

f) The complainant shall be responsible to complete the Complaint form.

Attendance at the Inquiry

The following persons must be in attendance at any hearing inquiry:

a) Hearing Chairperson
b) Complainant
c) Alleged Offender (accused)
d) Representative of alleged offender (if requested by alleged offender)
e) Witness (as) (as and only when required for the duration of the testimony)
f) Human Resources Officer.

The Hearing/Inquiry

a) The accused should be given at least 48 hours notice in advance of the disciplinary hearing (Notice for Disciplinary hearing see Appendix 8), indicating the date, time and venue of the hearing. In addition, the responsible person convening the hearing should advise the accused of his/her right of representation.

b) In the event that the accused alleges that the Hearing Chairperson is implicated in the case and therefore will not be unbiased, the accused may request the appointment of an alternative Hearing Chairperson, giving a full motivation for such a request. The decision whether to appoint another Hearing Chairperson or not rests with the Human Resources Officer. Such requests shall however not be unreasonable withheld

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