Monday, May 16, 2011

Briefly explain the concept of reward management.

Briefly explain the concept of reward management. Discuss how it is being carried out in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to.

Ans:- Human resource management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling the operative functions of procurement, development, compensation and maintenance of human resource of an organizations goals or objectives. It is responsible fro getting the best people, training them and providing mechanism to ensure that these employees maintain their productivity affiliations with the organizations. There are many emerging issues, which are divided into two:
a) Organisational problems:
The top management often presumes that sending the managers for the HRD programmes will automatically improve their performance. This is not the fact.
.b) The line managers do not show interest in developing the human resources. They argue that developing the human resources is the duty of the HRD department. This feeling is a hurdle in the process of HRD.
c) HRD receives only lip service because of the heavy expenditure involved in the development process. Lack of genuine support makes the HRD programme futile.
d) Organizations transfer administrative and industrial relations managers/ staff to HRD department without adequate training. This adversely affects the HRD programmes because the badly needed ' human touch' is missing.

A) The HRD programmes fail due to poverty, social injustice, low quality education and illiteracy.
B) The development of HR in India is also made difficult by the high fertility rate, poor health conditions, sexual discrimination and inter group intolerance.
C) The high population growth adversely affects the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of HRD programmes. Added to this arc issues like high dependent population and unemployment.
D) The Unscrupulous attitude of our politicians also impairs the moral fear and behavior of HR India.
E) The differences in the religious faiths among the people is another hurdle in the HRD. Religious conflicts hinder the development of HR in India.
F)The widening gap between have and have not is also a hurdle in HRD.
G) Indians have a strong faith in the traditional methods which are linked with their religious philosophies. This generates a strong resistance .to change and impairs the HRD process.
H) The Organisation We are referring to is saffron MNC organisation which function like this:-
HRD approach will assist in evolving policies which will be useful in-generating job satisfaction, career development opportunities and in alleviating the sense 'of frustrations among the human beings. Many organisations in India have started implementing the HRD •programmes. The objectives HRD cannot be achieved without an effective HRM system. Every HRD system developed by an organisation should be based on the following elements of HRM
a) It evolves a system of Human Resources Planning them.
b) Selection of the right people for the right.job at right time.
c) Imparting proper training based on the principle of learning, teaching basic work skills, motion study and training to foremen.
d) Evolving suitable compensation plan
e) Evolving a good performance appraisal system.

1 comment:

  1. Your answer is not to the point. There is no mention about REWARDS MANAGEMENT which was the core question.


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